Wrist Balloons perfect for kids watch them easily blow it up with amusement!


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You will never go wrong giving kids balloons. Be it a door gift or a goodie bag, or just leaving it around for the little ones to take and wear it over their arms or wrist.

Fill up the space in your goodie bags, leave it deflated, and watch them easily blow it up with amusement!

MINIMUM 5pcs to Purchase @ $0.90 each
💥12pcs and above @ $0.80 each
💥24pcs and above @ $0.70 each
🐾 Paw Petrol @ $0.90 each
**Wholesale pricing not applicable for Paw Petrol Designs

~Check my listings for more goodie bags goodies

#balloons #handheld balloons #animals #helium #children #birthday #parties #ourkidzstuffs #loot bags #gift #cartoon #spiderman #hello kitty #bunny #minion

Additional information


Select qty 5-11pcs, Select qty 12-23pcs, Select qty 24pcs & above, Paw Petrol, My Little Pony, Dinosaur, Astronaut


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